portfolio of

Cristian Poll

About Me

My CV is here.

I graduated with an honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of Toronto. I currently live in Mississauga.

I like coding, webdesign, and designing (and playing) video games and board games.

My Portfolio


I participated in the UCSB iCTF competitions, from 2010-2013. Each year I was an organizer and core member of the UTM team. In 2012, I helped run training and preparation sessions before the competition.

Each year, our team has faced and overcome a variety of challenges. With finding members with skillsets capable of tackling all the problems, setting up the network and relevant monitoring software, and coordinating efforts during the competition, the work has always been both challenging and rewarding

Computer Cluster

For a seminar course, I created a program (C, sockets) to run a computer cluster for solving dynamic programming problems - specifically longest common substring. I linked 40 public lab computers to solve large data quickly.

Rather than using a map/reduce algorithm, the computers communicated directly with each other, with little supervision from the controller after initial assignment. This was fairly effective in a computer lab where each computer had the same performance. On Github.

Web Projects

In 2013 I worked on a variety of small web applications as part of a webdesign course. Working both independently and with a partner, I learned to develop and debug applications under tight deadlines.

During the course, I built four apps:

  • WordScramble: A PHP-based anagram making game. The app implemented accounts, a leaderboard, and server-side validation to prevent cheating. On Github.
  • A mobile-friendly shared-canvas TicTacToe app. Multiple players can join a room to interact with the same canvas in real-time. Used AJAX and a MongoDB server. On Github.
  • A rudimentary Canvas-based drawing app. Playable Here.
  • Warehouse Wars: 2055: A tile-based game with gameplay reminiscent of Sokoban. Made entirely in JS, without Canvas (as a restriction of the assignment). Playable Here.

Skygoat: Cyberrun

In 2013 I completed "Skygoat: Cyberrun," developed with Unity3D/C# and published for web and Android.

As the sole developer, I designed, coded and published Skygoat. I carried out several user tests to evaluate the controls and gameplay, and iterated the design accordingly. I also created all the art, the website, and all other promotional material.

Website here.

Mirrors over Mars

In 2011 I worked on "Mirrors over Mars" for a University capstone project in a team of two.

The project was tightly deadlined; I learned how to budget time for the different aspects of development. We cut the network features from the final submission, but otherwise delivered the project completed and on time.

We used OpenGL/SDL for the graphics, and implemented minimax with alpha-beta pruning and other optimizations for the AI. The game and GUI is fully functional, and allows for single player and hotseat play.